Living life as a teenager is not simple at all. For one, there are a lot of rules and you are obliged to obey those rules unless you want to be grounded. But the toughest of them all is when you are overweight or suffering teenage obesity. One seems to experience all kinds of jokes as a teenager when you are fat. Those around you will not only make fun of you but also humiliate and mock you in public. This kind of harassment will hurt your ego and at the same time will cause teen depression. If you are the teen that gets bullied because you are overweight, then read on.
The truth is there are two or three persons to blame with regards to your teenage obesity. These are your parents and you. It is either they are too occupied with work therefore they can't cook healthy food for you or they just do not like to cook. Either way, you are left without options but to eat take out foods. In this scenario, your parents are responsible for your teenage obesity since they lack care in providing you healthy foods.
There are also instances that you are in control of the situation and that you do not necessarily have to eat junk food, and yet you chomp up, then there is no one to blame but you in this situation. I am referring to eating junk food outside your home, like at the school's canteen or a friend's house or attending a party, or anything similar. You have to understand that eating extra junk food apart from your usual intake will worsen your condition. You have to note that junk foods are one of the top reasons of teenage obesity.
The culprit is not only your eating habits but also your whole lifestyle. There is no problem if you eat junk foods and yet you workout to shed those extra calorie intake. However, if another form of your lifestyle is being a couch potato or living a deskbound routine, then you will eventually bloat beyond what you can imagine. Putting these two together, junk foods and sedentary lifestyle, surely will have nobody to blame but you when you do not fit through your door anymore.
So now that you are suffering teenage obesity, the only thing you can do is to trim your body down. Here are your options:
a) First, to find out if you are obese, you will need to see your doctor. If you are diagnosed as an obese teenager, then you need to know your BMR or Basal Metabolic Rate. This will help you find out how much you need to lose weight and by what proportion should you cut down your food intake on a daily basis.
b) Next, you need to persuade your parents to shift your diet from junk food to healthy food. You can let them know the effects of teenage obesity. You can enumerate to them that an obese teenager is prone to have diabetes, coronary diseases, high blood pressure and more. If it is hard to influence your parents about this information then by all means learn to cook food for yourself. It only takes one single step to make a habit of eating the right kind of food, and once you constantly eat the right food, you will reap a healthy body in due time.
Did it also occur to you that by doing those stuff also means you have to say adieu to your junk food buddies?
c) You also need to stop living a sedentary life. You have to purge yourself from playing video games at all times or just watching TV most of the time or surfing the net till the sun goes down. Get your body moving. You can jog, brisk walk or workout in the gym.
The key to losing weight and prevent teenage obesity is to find an appropriate work out routine that you like doing everyday. This will help you burn out those stored fats in your body, by so doing you will lose it sooner than you think. This will help you get back your leaner and slender body.
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